What Does Self-Care Look Like In 2020?
Pink Suit: Veronica Beard (similar here) | Tee: | Bag: | Shoes: Prada old (similar here )
Self-care is the new buzz word. Everyone is taking about and/or doing it. But what actually is self-care and what does it look like in 2020?
Self-care is a means for fulfilling your own internal needs. These needs are different for every person and it is a journey to discover what your own self-care needs are. It is more than trying the latest face cream or buying the newest candle scent to support your weekly bath ritual. It’s about true fulfillment of your soul and what it needs at this very point in time. About finding what brings you joy or what used to bring you joy that you no longer have the time for.
So what does self-care look like in 2020? Looking inward and reflecting on what is at the core of your happiness. How do you do that? Taking time out of your busy schedule is a necessity. Try to dedicate at least 20 minutes a day to sit in quiet and think about what brings you true joy. Do that until the answers come to you. Maybe you feel tired all the time. Reflect on why that is. Could it be your late night snack keeping your metabolism going and interrupting your sleep, or are you taking on too much at work? Do you feel good every time you smile at a stranger? Are you wanting to join that yoga class? Here’s some inspiration to help get you going.
How to Practice Self-Care
Reducing stress for self-care
An overwhelming feeling of too much to do and too little time might mean you are stressed. Try downloading the if you have trouble unwinding and need a little help. This is a guided meditation that really calms your mind. I was hesitant at first because it didn’t really sound like my thing. But I gave it a try and actually enjoyed it. It’s a great way to get your body and mind back on track and aligned together.
For me, I generally need to get moving to get the stress out. If that sounds like you too, try joining a new exercise class, or if time is of the essence, download a fitness app that you can do right in your home. It doesn’t get more convenient than that. One that I love and use is Peloton. It’s so motivating and offers such great workouts you can do right at home (and you don’t need a Peloton bike!).
Feeding Your Creative Cravings
This one is the most effective for me personally. Sometimes you feel foggy simply because you are not feeding your creative cravings. I’m not talking about baking a cake and eating it (although sometimes you do need that too), but you may be caught up in the daily grind of mindless tasks. Your brain needs to feel challenged to feel satisfied. Self-care is about total self. Maybe you need to get back into reading novels with a story, not yahoo news. Reading sparks the imagination and takes you temporarily into another place and time. It gives you that break from life pulling at you. Try using books as self-care tools to escape the everyday and let your imagination soar.
It’s been a slow start for me this year and I am only on my third book. I can usually breeze through a book in a week or two. The two I did finish however, I highly recommend. Meet Me in Monaco is a great fictional yet factually inspired read featuring Grace Kelly and her whirlwind romance with Prince Rainier. A great story if you want to be whisked away to the sunny coast of Monaco. If you love fashion, which I am guessing you do if you follow me, Park Avenue Summer is a really fun read about the iconic editor Helen Gurley Brown who coined the term the “Cosmo Girl”.
A lot of people also enjoy journaling. Truthfully that is not something I have tried. For some reason it does not interest me. But maybe this blog is a form of journaling for me. It is an outlet that is partly personal expression and opinion, and partly story telling. Most people I know who actually do keep a journal, find it very calming and peaceful to clear the mind. Here is a beautiful journal to help inspire you.
Other examples of creative outlets can be DIY projects. While I was pregnant with my twins, I went through a phase (maybe it was a nesting phase) where I had to have a DIY project ongoing. I bought a sewing machine, took a 2 hour Saturday class at a local fabric store, and began creating. Having never sewed before other than the occasional button, I made drapes for several rooms in my home! I really enjoyed the quiet time and thoughtfulness of browsing local fabric shops and searching for the perfect prints. Find something new or re-connect with something old that you haven’t done in a while to get yourself in a creative mindset.
Pamper yourself
Yes, pamper yourself! This can mean getting weekly manicures, monthly facials, or getting a new make-up look. Feeling good about the way we look can impact how we are feeling. A boost of confidence never hurt anyone and if that means getting the latest nail color, then you go do it! Keep in mind that when taking care of yourself, the way yourself truly needs to be taken care of, you will feel just as great whether you are wearing nail polish or not!

Oh wow, I absolutely love this look dear. So charming and elegant. And yes we should definitely pamper ourselves more.
Jessica | notjessfashion.com
Thank you so much Jessica! You can never have too much pink. 😉