My Ancestry DNA Experience
Have you ever wondered where you came from? Or if a family story was based on fact? Ancestry DNA can tell you truly where you are from. Like traveling in time, your DNA can trace the route of your history. It’s your own personal story.
When Ancestry DNA reached out to me to do a collaboration, I was beyond thrilled! I love history, antiques, really anything with a mysterious past. This journey with Ancestry DNA is like being an investigator on your own personal story.
Collecting your sample…
Ancestry DNA will send you a kit which contains your activation number, a tube, a liquid solution, a collection bag, and prepaid mailing box. The kit itself is very easy to use. There is an activation number on the kit that you will use to register your information on their site. That’s how they will match you to your kit. Don’t forget this step! Next, you have to fill a tube with your saliva but it’s doable. Just be sure you don’t eat or drink anything 30 minutes prior! Then add the solution to the tube and close the top. Shake it up a little and you are done. You can add the tube to the collection bag, put it in the box, and drop it off in the mail. It’s very easy. The results can take up to several weeks.
The results are in…
Once your results are in, Ancestry DNA will send you an email. This is the really fun part! For me, my family has only resided in the USA for a little over 100 years. I knew where most of my roots were from. Still I was happy and surprised to see that my DNA did hold some secrets that I was unaware of.
The results of your DNA origin is broken down by regions. For example, my DNA results show that I am 50% from the Eastern Europe and Russia regions. This is further broken down to more specificity. My results show that in this region, the majority of my DNA is from Poland. While Polish roots was not at all a surprise to me, the amount that it showed in my DNA origin was. Two of my great grandparents immigrated from Poland. I did not realize how much of my individual make-up was from that area.
Ancestry DNA also provides a bit of a history lesson. My results also showed about 20% from the Germanic Europe region. I knew my grandmother immigrated from Austria in the 1950’s. So I was surprised that I did not see any Austrian DNA. However Ancestry explains that the broad Germanic region changed throughout the years and the region they test includes not only Germany, but the surrounding countries. Ancestry continually works to refine the data, so you may periodically see updates to your results. Your DNA never changes, but science does.
My thoughts…
Overall I had a great experience with Ancestry DNA. I recommend you try it out. To receive a discount off your order, use this link. Consider this a great gift giving idea as well! This is truly a unique and special gift.
My last thought for you is this- your roots are what ground you. They do not hold you back from what you can be. But they are a lesson that we can learn from. Take your Ancestry DNA test and learn from your individual past and ancestors experiences. Without them, we would not be here today. Find out where you come from and celebrate it.