Mestiza Ny shimmy shimmy tassel dress

Garden Party Style!

I just love an outdoor garden party when the weather gets warmer.  In the current global climate, I don’t know if we will be having any garden parties this season.  Perhaps an outdoor lunch is more realistic once the restaurants start to re-open.  In any event, I have the perfect Mestiza NY dress for your summer festivities.

Garden party style dress

The vibrant green grass, the scent of lilacs in the distance, and the light breeze through your hair, that’s what I want come Spring. I also want to enjoy more outdoor time. Winter in NJ is long! So as soon as the weather starts to warm up, I’m spending time in my yard. This year is different however. I’m talking to my neighbors through our fence instead of dropping by, and family parties are now through Zoom. Still, we choose the memories we want to create, and I’m choosing festive, happy moments. I love choosing Mestiza New York for special dresses. Now you can get 20% off your purchase with code TARA20.

Garden party outfit

Mestiza New York tassel shift dress
Styled with the Sarah Flint Perfect Block Sandal- Get $50 off your first purchase with code SARAHFLINT-BATARA

garden party dress

Garden Party Style In The Mestiza Shimmy Tassel Dress

As soon as I saw this Mestiza NY dress with it’s playful tassels and gold sequins trim, I immediately thought of a garden party.  Giving me strong vintage vibes, this shift style is so forgiving and looks great on all body types.  Rightly named the Shimmy Shimmy Tassel dress, the tassels move with you in a fun and cheerful way.  With drink of choice in hand, this dress is a perfect blend of comfort and elegance.

I’ve been a fan of Mestiza NY for a while now.  My daughter recently participated in a virtual fashion illustration class with them. It was such a fun experience for her (and for me).  Giving her an opportunity to be creative in a completely different way, and add a little unexpected fun during this unusual time we’re living in.  It really shows how thoughtful founders Alessandra and Louisa are for offering it.

“Mestiza” means a woman of mixed ancestry.  Founders Alessandra and Louisa keep their shared Filipino-American heritage threaded throughout the collections. You will often see vintage family photos on their instagram account which I think is so charming!

mestiza new york garden party dress

vogue on location book

vogue on location book

The brand strives to create couture gowns without couture prices.  I can honestly say that my favorite gown of all time is their creation.  It is the Georgiana gown (you can view it here).  Can you picture wearing this?  Completely dream worthy!

This year may be different from any that we have ever known, but there is comfort in controlling what we can.  We can control our thoughts to a degree, our actions, and our choices in dealing with the unknown.  One choice I am focusing on is making the most out of an unusual situation.  I am choosing to find and embrace joy in having my health and my family close.  So if there ever has been a time for a garden party (or a party in your own kitchen), now is it.  So get dressed, and create memories!

Mestiza Ny shimmy shimmy tassel dress

mestiza NY New York blue dress

Whether it’s a garden party, bridal shower, or dinner on your own patio, the Mestiza NY shimmy shimmy tassel dress is a classic choice.  The hint at vintage style makes this a timeless piece that you can enjoy for many years to come. Take 20% off with code TARA20 at checkout.

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